KANZA Bank wants to know how our customers think we are doing. Any feedback you can provide is appreciated and will be used to enhance our customer service.

For your protection, it is not recommended that you include personal information or account numbers on this form.

Reason for Your Feedback

My feedback is
Description of Feedback
Date of Service
(if applicable)

Would you like a personal response from us?

Zip Code
I Prefer Response (enter e-mail address)
  (enter phone number)

If you wish to skip this portion, you may submit your comments now. If you have a few extra moments, we thank you for providing the following additional feedback.

Additional Feedback

Please rate the following statements about KANZA Bank (1 meaning you do not agree at all, 5 meaning you definitely agree)
1 2 3 4 5  
The employees are knowledgeable.
The employees are friendly.
The employees care about me as a customer.
The employees are professional.
The products and services I need are offered.
Access to do my banking is convenient (locations, hours, ATMs, online, phone).
Overall, I am satisfied with KANZA Bank.

What should we continue doing and/or change to help KANZA Bank provide better service in the future?

Would you recommend KANZA Bank to a friend? Why or why not?
Why did you choose KANZA Bank? Convenience
Referred by Another KANZA Customer
Referred by an KANZA Employee
Advertising/Bank Promotion
In Response to a Mail Offer
Word of Mouth